[TYPO3-commerce] rare checkout requirement: minimum weight in basket

Ralf Merz ralf.merz at heindl.de
Tue Dec 2 14:24:20 CET 2008

Hi Heiko,

Heiko Hänsge schrieb:
> Hello Ralf,
> Thank you very much.
> The solution does not take the 'minimum product weight' condition for 
> checkout into account so far.

I didn´t give you a ready steady go solution, in deed.
But if you can change the delivery costs, you should be able to (maybe 
in the additionalMarker hook of the basket rendering or in the hook of 
getBillingAddress) calculate the weight there and the you can decide to 
show the "to checkout"-button (in basket) or to redirect (in checkout) 
to the basket/shop/or whatever, aren´t you?


> regards
> Heiko Hänsge
> ------------ Original-Nachricht ------------
> Ralf Merz schrieb am 29.11.2008 09:16 Uhr:
>> Hello Heiko,
>> yes, it is possible to do this with commerce.
>> First of all, have a look in the commerce wiki on wiki.typo3.org:
>> http://wiki.typo3.org/Commerce
>> There, at 7.4 "tutorials" you find a link to
>> "Creating an extension that switches the delivery methods based on 
>> basket sum" http://wiki.typo3.org/Commerce/Tutorial/VariableDeliveryCost/
>> I think this can help you.
>> The idea behind this is as follows:
>> I assume that you have entered the weight as attribute.
>> You have to create your different delivery articles: shipping1 = 7 
>> Euro, shipping2 = 0 Euro.
>> In pi2 you have to use the hooks "after adding an article to the 
>> basket" (or sth. like that). So before the basket will be rendered you 
>> can or have to change the delivery article.
>> For every article you can fetch the attribute 'weight'. So you can 
>> calculate the weight sum an then decide how to change the delivery 
>> articles.
>> Maybe someone else has another idea to do this. My way would be like 
>> this.
>> Regards
>> Ralf Merz
>> Heiko Hänsge schrieb:
>>> Hello,
>>> we have the following checkout requirements:
>>> - a customer needs to have an overall minimum product weight of 3kg 
>>> in the basket to be able to checkout, otherwise a message needs to be 
>>> shown
>>> - if there is less than 10kg of weight in the basket, shipping costs 
>>> of 7€ should be applied on checkout
>>> - if there is 10kg or more in the basket, NO shipping costs should be 
>>> applied on checkout
>>> As I couldn't find an appropriate hint in the manual to solve this 
>>> I'd like to ask here: Is it possible to do this with 'commerce'?
>>> And - if yes - how to declare the TypoScript needed? Thanks in advance!
>>> Regards
>>> Heiko Hänsge

Ralf Merz

Heindl Internet AG
Tübingen , Germany
ralf.merz at heindl.de

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