[TYPO3-commerce] Importing existing Products

Karl-Ernst Kiel kekiel at kekiel.de
Thu Apr 24 12:13:58 CEST 2008

altoplan - Marco Schwarz wrote:
> I would like to import about 1000 products of an existing shop-system into
> commerce,

Hi Marco!

I wrote an import-script for tranfering data from a mediando database. 
Here are the basic steps along with some sql-statements (containing some 
customer-specific fields...).

Maybe this will help you...


1.) Create categories

$sql = "INSERT INTO tx_commerce_categories 

2.) Build the tree structure

$sql="INSERT INTO tx_commerce_categories_parent_category_mm 
(uid_local,uid_foreign,sorting) VALUES 

$sql="UPDATE tx_commerce_categories SET parent_category = 
".intval($myrow2['uid'])." ,sorting = ".intval($myrow2['O_SEQUENCE'])." 
WHERE uid = $myuid";

3.) Insert Products and Articles and Prices

$sql = "INSERT INTO tx_commerce_products 

$sql = "INSERT INTO tx_commerce_articles 

$sql = "INSERT INTO tx_commerce_article_prices 
(`pid`,`tstamp`,`crdate`,`cruser_id`,`uid_article`) VALUES 

4.) connect products with groups

$sql = "INSERT INTO tx_commerce_products_categories_mm 
(uid_local,uid_foreign,sorting) VALUES 
$sql = "UPDATE tx_commerce_products set ";
$sql .= "categories = '".implode(',',$catArr)."', sorting = 
".intval($newOSeq)." WHERE uid = $newUid";

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