[TYPO3-commerce] Hook inspector

Michiel Roos [netcreators] michiel at netcreators.com
Wed Sep 26 16:20:19 CEST 2007

Hi list,

Have you been wandering when the hooks in the commerce code are actually 
called and how often?

I have written a hook inspector which hooks into all the commerce hooks 
and then outputs a debug('hook called') when the hook is called.

I have just uploaded the initial release to the repo.

It should show up pretty soon, the key is: nc_commerce_hookinspector

I will try to follow the hook specs in the svn head version of commerce.

It gives some interesting results. On a page with a listing of only two 
articles the hook: article postinit is called 6 (six) times instead of 
an expected 2 (two) times.

Kind regards,

Michiel Roos

Netcreators BV :: creation and innovation

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