[TYPO3-commerce] 0006222: Actual step at checkout is not rendered correct

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Thu Sep 20 21:52:57 CEST 2007

Hi Thomas,
> when I inserted the bug_6222-3-class_tx_commerce_pi4.diff my
> address-management doesn't work anymore. What's going wrong?

have you also applied the patch for the setup.txt (bug_6222-3-setup.diff 
)? My patch introduces a new way of template handling which is driven by 
TS - so you need to also change the TS settings - see here:
  plugin.tx_commerce_pi4 {
  	templateFile = {$plugin.tx_commerce_pi4.templateFile}
+	// you can use subitems for markers to distinguish the rendering
+	// based on the type of the address
+	// example: addressItem.1 = ADDRESS_ITEM_BILLING
+	// 	    addressItem.2 = ADDRESS_ITEM_DELIVERY
+	// using 0 as type will set a default template if a template is not given
+	// for a certain type id. So if you set 0 and 1, a address of type 2 will
+	// fallback to the marker defined in type 0.
+	templateMarker {
+		addressListing = ADDRESS_LISTING
+		addressItem = ADDRESS_ITEM
+		addressEdit = ADDRESS_EDIT
+		addressEditForm = ADDRESS_EDIT_FORM
+		addressDelete = ADDRESS_DELETE
+		singleInput = SINGLE_INPUT
+	}

This is the default TS setting which should work just like before with 
the default commerce templates. Read the comment inside the TS for the 
new features.

Kind regards,

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