[TYPO3-commerce] Problems with delivery cost calculation

Volker Graubaum vg_typo3 at e-netconsulting.de
Thu Sep 6 08:21:13 CEST 2007


can you get in touch with me in the beginning of next week via skype 

I've started an extension including the different possibilities to 
change delivery and payment cost in basket and checkout, but didn't get 
feedback, (except Sebastian) so i haven't finish it right now.

So maybe we can finish this extension with you feedback next week?

it has three different switches in delivery
1) delivery cost by price
2) delivery cost by amount of articles
3) delivery cost by weight with a weight attribute

each can be changed in the basket and checkout, with an additional step

Look at

which can be used to add unlimted own steps and rendering methods to the 
checkout ;-)

Greetings Volker

> Hi Tobias,
>> I considered to use the hook ( 
>> $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['commerce/pi3/class.tx_commerce_pi3.php']['getListing'] 
>> ) but I couldn't get the delivery address.  It seems to me that the 
>> address is not stored in the session. Where is the address stored at 
>> that point and how can I get it?
> Have a look at $this->MYSESSION['billing'] and 
> $this->MYSESSION['delivery'], but notice that the later is only filled 
> if the user decided to choose a different delivery address then the 
> billing address. So check if the delivery address is set and if not use 
> the billing address.
> -- 
> Kind regards,
> Franz Koch

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