[TYPO3-commerce] Invalid HTML (templates and some hardcoded values) + bugfix

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Mon Sep 3 14:44:36 CEST 2007

Hi list,

the templates and some of the hardcoded form elements are not valid 
HTML. On several points in the templates (products and basket) the 
input-fields have a wrong type:

--- current and wrong -------------------------------
<input class="textfield short" value="###QTY_INPUT_VALUE###" 
name="###QTY_INPUT_NAME###" type="input" 
id="articleqty_###ARTICLE_UID###" size="5" />

--- correct -----------------------------------------
<input class="textfield short" value="###QTY_INPUT_VALUE###" 
name="###QTY_INPUT_NAME###" type="text" 
id="articleqty_###ARTICLE_UID###" size="5" />

type="input" is not valid - type="text" is correct!

Also the lable-tags in the basket shipping and payment selectors are 
wrong and actually don't work, as they use disallowed characters in the 
tag as well as the id of the selectboxes are missing to which the labels 
actually link to.

--- current and wrong --------------------------------
<label for="tx_commerce_pi1[payArt]">Zahlungsart: </label>
<select name="tx_commerce_pi1[payArt]" onChange="this.form.submit()">
		<option value="1" selected>Rechnung</option>
		<option value="4">Nachnahme</option>

--- correct -----------------------------------------
<label for="tx_commerce_pi1_payArt">Zahlungsart: </label>
<select name="tx_commerce_pi1[payArt]" onChange="this.form.submit()" 
		<option value="1" selected>Rechnung</option>
		<option value="4">Nachnahme</option>

So the label-tag has to be changed in the template and the select-boxes 
need to get an id in class.tx_commerce_pi2.php on lines:

$select = '<select name="'.$this->prefixId.'[delArt]" 
id="'.$this->prefixId.'_delArt" onChange="this.form.submit()">';

$select = '<select name="'.$this->prefixId.'[payArt]" 
id="'.$this->prefixId.'_payArt" onChange="this.form.submit()">';

Maybe the same for the attribute-select-boxes - but I haven't had a look 
at those yet.

Kind regards,
Franz Koch

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