[TYPO3-commerce] SVN version of commerce disables page cache completely

Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] dmitry at typo3.org
Wed Oct 10 15:17:54 CEST 2007


I got SVN version of commerce extension. Could not use 0.9.2 because it does not use t3lib_div::makeInstance to create tx_commerce_category. This is partially fixed in SVN but now SVN introduced much worse things.

I clicked on the link to page that displays product list. In the debugger I see that tx_commerce_pi1::init() calls $TSFE->set_no_cache() twice. Freshly added code, it did not present in 0.9.2. You are aware how bad is set_no_cache(), it was already discussed in this list.

I just want to show product list. I am not logged in, I do nothing nothing special that requires disabling cache. Can you explain why you have to disable page cache in this case? Why you do not rely on pi_checkChash instead? Imagine what will happens in a shop with large visitors number. 0.01 requests per second because of set_no_cache()? Damn slow for a good shop.

Also there is a code like:
$this->category-> getAllProducts(9999999999)

What is 9999999999? It is greater than maximum integer value in PHP, which is 2^32-1 for 32-bit platform, and in fact you may pass float number to function, which may give unpredictable results. Possibly you should use PHP_INT_MAX constant instead?

I understand that it is SVN version, not released version. But if you wrote such code, it may appear in the released version (otherwise why did you write it?). I really hope it will not! Many people depend on this extension, so this extension really cannot afford such mistakes!

I appologize for may be a bit strong message but I have to use this extension and I really care about its quality. I really want it to be better. Please, fix this ASAP. I would be happy to give you a patch but I cannot do it because I do not understand what exactly you do in those places and you do not have any comments in the code to explain it. I just found problems and want to point them to you. Hope this helps you to make commerce better.

Dmitry Dulepov
TYPO3 freelancer / TYPO3 core team member
Web: http://typo3bloke.net/
Skype: callto:liels_bugs

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