[TYPO3-commerce] delivery costs based on total costs

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Wed Oct 3 21:17:17 CEST 2007


> I am searching for a method in which I can say:
>   * total costs to 100,-       =>      delivery costs 5,-
>   * total costs from 100,- to 300,-       =>      delivery costs 4,-
>   * total costs above 300,-       =>      no delivery costs
> Does anyone has some experience with this in commerce?

I used a hook for this, using the price-scale fields to define which 
delivery price applies for which total cost.

hook 'postAddArticle' or so from the basket.

my function:
// recalculate delivery price
if ($parent->basket_items[$itemId]->getArticleTypeUid() == 
DELIVERYArticleType) {
	$basketItem = &$parent->basket_items[$itemId];
	$articleObj = &$basketItem->article;
	//get correct price based on total purchase costs
	$arrayOfPricesUids = $articleObj->getPossiblePriceUids();

	if (is_array($arrayOfPricesUids)) {
		foreach ($arrayOfPricesUids as $priceUid) {
			$prices[$priceUid] = new 
	if (is_array($prices)) {
		$price_id = $articleObj->get_article_price_uid();
		$basketPriceNet = $parent->getArticleTypeSumNet(NORMALArticleType);
		foreach ($prices as $key => $priceObject) {
			if ($priceObject->price_scale_amount_start*100 < $basketPriceNet) {
				$basketItem->price_uid = $key;
				$basketItem->price = $priceObject;
		$basketItem->priceNet = $basketItem->price->get_price_net();
		$basketItem->priceGross = $basketItem->price->get_price_gross();


maybe that helps. You probably have to loop through the basket items and 
call this code snippet inside the loop, because I added a new hook to 
commerce (which hopefully will make it into the core) which I used for it.

Kind regards,

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