[TYPO3-commerce] CSV-Import from 1 & 1 online-shop-system into Typo3 commerce extension

Franz Koch typo at fx.MINUS.graefix.DOT.de
Thu Jul 26 15:10:38 CEST 2007

Hi Andreas,

> I thought about a workaround. I have a CSV-File with about 1500 articles. My
> Idee was to add some categories and articles to the commerce-extension like
> that: Category-[subcategory-]*article. After that I will have a look inside
> the DB with phpmyadmin, to see which tables and fields from the
> commerce-extension will be integrated. Than I will split the csv-file to
> fill the several tables by csv-import about phpmyadmin. I think what I have
> to do is to fix the relations between categories, subcategories and articles
> by setting IDs by myself in the csv-files which should be imported. Would be
> some work ;-)
> That is the way I will try if there is no solution available in the next
> three weeks.

Well - I only have in total about 1 and a half weeks for a complete site incl. shop. And the articles availability have to be synchronized almost daily. So doing that by hand is a strict NO for me. My second problem is the article structure. I need to import the same article with different sizes  - each size (which is actually an attribute) has to have it's own article number, but they all cost the same and it should be possible to select the size with a dropdown. Don't know if this could be done anyway with commerce.
And it still must be possible to edit the articles in the backend without loosing any data due to missing flexform entries. It's going to be a hard job.

Kind regards,
Franz Koch

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