[TYPO3-commerce] CSV-Import from 1 & 1 online-shop-system into Typo3 commerce extension

Franz Koch typo at fx.MINUS.graefix.DOT.de
Thu Jul 26 11:57:41 CEST 2007

Hi list,

> I want to Import a csv-File, exported from 1 & 1 online-shop-system. Could
> someone describe me which tables have to be used for (product-)categories
> and which for articles and how the csv-import-file has to be structured, so
> that I get all the categories, articles and relations (
> category->[subcategory->]*article ) into Typo3 commerce-extension. 

I'd also need to import shop-data (CSV,a few thousand articles) and any hint would be nice. Thanks.

Kind regards,
Franz Koch

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