[TYPO3-calendar] Wrap the enddate only if the month is different from the start date

Peter Gallagher pgallagher at electricretina.com
Thu Oct 15 18:58:36 CEST 2015

I'm trying to remove the Month only from the enddate of an event when 
its in the same month as the start date.

I get: Jan 1 - Jan 3

I want: Jan 1 - 3

Here's what I've tried:
plugin.tx_cal_controller.view.list.event {
   wrap = <span class="hidemonth">|</span>
     value.field = end
     value.strtotime = 1
     value.strftime = %e
     equals.field = start
     equals.strtotime = 1
     equals.strftime = %e

Since it seems that dateFormat isn't parsed by stdWrap so I am trying to 
wrap all the event enddate's with the same month as the start date. This 
isn't working.

Any help or hints would be appreciated.

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