[TYPO3-calendar] cal + wec_maps: Show list of locations on map

Marc Wöhlken woehlken at quadracom.de
Tue Dec 2 15:03:45 CET 2014

I am currently trying to set up a list view of cal events (works so far)
and want to add a wec_map of the locations associated to those events.

All cal events are stored within one single sys folder and it's quite
easy to display a map of all(!) locations defined within these events.

What I would really like is this:
a) Display a paginated list of cal events, e.g. 10 events per page
b) Display a wec_mac showing only(!) the locations associated with the
events displayed by a)

Is this even possible? Does any one have some hits for me on how to do that?

Hoping for your help
Marc Wöhlken                     TYPO3 certified integrator

Quadracom - Proffe & Wöhlken

Rembertistraße 32              WWW: http://www.quadracom.de
D-28203 Bremen                E-Mail: woehlken at quadracom.de
______________             PGP-Key: http://pgp.quadracom.de

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