[TYPO3-calendar] Insert Record with multiple Sysfolders and Cals

Stefan Schreck ses_2008 at gmx.net
Tue Dec 4 18:26:42 CET 2012

hi there,
how is it possible to have a multiple sys folder structure
with calenders and events in different folders.
the "normal" plug in way works.
and with insert record I can add them to a page but when it gets 
rendered in the FE
i get the message:

Calendar Base Error
Message: Missing or wrong parameter. The event you are looking for 
could not be found.
Note: Please verify your URL parameter: tx_cal_controller[uid]

any ideas? or is it not possible?

Structure is as simple as this
Folder 1 ---> Calender ID 1
	Folder 2 ---> Events


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