[TYPO3-calendar] MonthView endPointCorrection

Thomas Kowtsch thomas at kowtsch.de
Sat Oct 29 19:10:43 CEST 2011

Hi again,

On 29.10.2011 06:23, Yilmaz Backir wrote:
> I am using cal version 1.3.3 and CSS-based template (cal) in my own
> lib.ext_cal (mot in the root template).

Wooops. This makes the world a bit more difficult since lots of things 
got changed (and fixed) in the meantime; and we lost our svn history...

> Could it be any other TS configs in the lib.ext_cal template which
> overwrite probably the endPointCorrection value?

I'll try to get a closer look on this.

But one more question: Are recurring events involved and if yes, "old" 
or "new" recurring model?


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