[TYPO3-calendar] Several mini-monthviews for different months

René Ott rene.ott at ososoft.de
Wed Nov 30 11:43:49 CET 2011

Hi Mario,

thanks for your quick response :-) Great that this is possible!

I just have two quick questions:

- How do I get the sidebar.tmpl to be displayed? Currently the 
mini-month view uses the month_small.tmpl. Is the sidebar.tmpl a part of 
the (big) month view?

- You wrote view.{your view name}... Does this mean I have to create my 
own view or use one of the standard ones like week, day, month,...?

Would be great if you could help me put on this.

By the way: should you ever need support on our positionIt extension 
(which enables to create whole forms/web processes entirely visual by 
drag&Drop), just write me an e-mail ;-)

Best regards,

Mario Matzulla schrieb:
> Hi René,
> Am 29.11.11 17:53, schrieb René Ott:
>> Hi @list,
>> one question:
>> is it possible to put three mini-monthviews on one page? The first
>> should display the current month, the next the following month and the
>> third one should display the next but one month.
>> Currently we have no idea how to achieve this...any hints?
> sure, that's possible. Have a look at the template/sidebar.tmpl there 
> are markers for the different months 
> (###MONTH_SMALL###,###MONTH_SMALL|+1###,###MONTH_SMALL|+2###).
> Keep in mind, that you have to adjust the timespan to search for events, 
> in order to populate those months with events:
> view.{your view name}.endPointCorrection = 60 * 60 * 24 * (2 * 30 + 7)
> // seconds per minute * minutes per hour * hours per day * (2 months * a 
> 30 days + 7 days of a next month in the third month)
> Regards,
> Mario
>> Best regards,
>> René

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