[TYPO3-calendar] findAllWithin

Peter Jame james004 at gmx.de
Wed Jun 15 22:10:50 CEST 2011

Hi Mario,

Am 15.06.2011 21:08, schrieb Mario Matzulla:
> Hi Peter,
> Am 15.06.11 15:53, schrieb Peter Jame:
>> Hi Mario,
>> Am 10.06.2011 10:36, schrieb Mario Matzulla:
>>> Am 09.06.11 01:39, schrieb Peter Jame:
>>>> I can't get findAllWithin to work according to my needs. I'm extending
>>>> yearview and trying to get events from lets say 20110501 until
>>>> 20121101.
>>>> I've been trying it this way:
>>>> $type = $this->conf['type'];
>>>> $pidList = $this->conf['pidList'];
>>>> $getdate = $this->conf['getdate'];
>>>> $eventType='0,1,2,3';
>>>> $modelObj =&tx_cal_registry::Registry('basic','modelcontroller');
>>>> $timeStartObj = new tx_cal_date('20110501'.'000000');
>>>> $timeStartObj->setTZbyId('UTC');
>>>> $timeEndObj = new tx_cal_date('20121101'.'000000');
>>>> $timeEndObj->setTZbyId('UTC');
>>>> $master_array = $modelObj->findAllWithin('cal_event_model',
>>>> $timeStartObj, $timeEndObj, $type, 'event', $pidList, $eventType);
>>>> $timeStartObj seems to have some (correct) effect, $timeEndObj doesn't
>>>> at all.
>>>> Hoping on a huge hint on what I'm doing wrong...
>>> for the different views we have a startPointCorrection and
>>> endPointCorrection ->  to get full weeks.
>> that means using the above code and setting
>> plugin.tx_cal_controller.view.year.startPointCorrection = 0
>> plugin.tx_cal_controller.view.year.endPointCorrection = 0
>> $timeStartObj and $timeEndObj to lets say 20110520
>> should return the events of exaktly that single day?
> no, it would return the events for the current year starting January 1st
> and ending December 31st.

So obviously I'm wrong on some point. The question remains the same:
What would the solution look like? I mean: what on this code has to be
changed to get the desired result?

>>> But the question for me is: why don't you use the master_array given by
>>> the current year view and "just" override the "view"?
>> In fact I'm not using it, because I might need something completely
>> different. For example exaktly from 20110501 until 20121101, which is
>> not covered by master_array. At least when I'm ot wrong.
> Why don't you use the list view for such an issue?

because it also, just as year view, does not solve the problem exaktly
to my needs. Or is it possible to tell list view to display an exaktly
defined period of time?

Thanks and regards

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