[TYPO3-calendar] xclassing ext/cal/view/class.tx_cal_new_monthview.php

Stephan Helten stephan.helten at engage.de
Wed Jul 6 15:40:18 CEST 2011



I want to extend the "tx_cal_new_monthview" class with xclass mechanism but
it just doesn't work.

It still doesn't work if I replace:


"return new tx_cal_new_monthview($month, $year);" with "return
t3lib_div::makeInstance('tx_cal_new_monthview', $month, $year);" in this
code part:


public static function getMonth($month, $year){

    $controller = &tx_cal_registry::Registry('basic','controller');

    $cache = $controller->cache->get($month.'_'.$year);

    if($cache != ''){

        $return = unserialize($cache);

        if($return === FALSE){

debug('could not unserialize cache for month:'.$month.'_'.$year);


        return $return;

    } else {

        return new tx_cal_new_monthview($month, $year);






Stephan Helten


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