[TYPO3-calendar] cal_ts_service from extended news

Marc Scheib marc at mindbomb.de
Thu Apr 28 22:39:41 CEST 2011

Hi Experts!

I am currently trying to pull some data from an "extended" tt_news table 
into cal_ts_service. The extended field is the uid ("foreign key") of 
another tt_news record with information about that record. By now I 
managed to query that field and display it in the frontend:

plugin.tx_cal_controller {
	display.tt_news {
		event.event < plugin.tx_cal_controller.view.event.event
		externalPlugin = 1
		externalPlugin.singleViewPid = 2978
		externalPlugin.additionalParams = 
		event_select.where = 1=2
		template = path/to/my/cal_ts_service.tmpl
		fieldMapping {
			title = title
			description = bodytext
			location = imagecaption
			# recycle organizer marker to show my data
			organizer = tx_uid_of_meta_tt_news_record
			image = image

Of course the ID does not make sense to the frontend users and I would 
like print the title of that news instead. Please:

- Is it possible to have a join'ed query like that in cal_ts_service?

- I have a marker for that field already defined in tt_news. Could it 
probably be easier to use that marker in my cal_ts_service.tmpl instead 
of rewriting the query in cal_ts_service?

Best Regards!

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