[TYPO3-calendar] Cal 1.4.0 and Typo3 4.5.2

Marc marc at mindbomb.de
Tue Apr 5 20:54:05 CEST 2011


I try to install Cal 1.4.0 with T3 4.5.2.

After selecting in the Extension Manager the Upload extension File 
directly (.t3x) and selecting the file


downloaded from

	(Thanks Thomas Kowtsch!)

I see a progress bar fueling up and down for a while. After that a blue 
window fades in saying "Extension null was installed" and the Extension 
Manager reloads. But Cal is still unavailable.

I tried both options (overwrite existing extension). The log-module did 
not report anything exceptional.

Previously there was Cal version 1.3.3 installed. I removed that version 
by hitting the "Remove Extension" Image.

Please: Has anyone experienced similar?

Best Regards,

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