[TYPO3-project-4-3] CSS merger/minifier?

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Fri Jan 22 09:45:37 CET 2010

Am 22.01.2010, 09:35 Uhr, schrieb Stig Nørgaard Færch <snf at dkm.dk>:

> This was planned for 4.3, but I see no clue that it was included.
> Did it get canned? If yes, - is it planned for 4.4?

Was it really planned? PageRenderer offers an API for making this task  
easier since 4.3.
I think there's no plan for FE, because it's a quite buggy feature, which  
might break the user's sites.
Instead I'm for using an extension, e.g. scriptmerger.

As a RFC with a split-up of the BE stylesheets will come soon (by Fabien  
Udriot), we would elongate BE loading times because of more files, which  
have to be loaded.
That's why there's a concrete plan to integrate EXT:scriptmerger into  
TYPO3's Backend for 4.4.
But first, other T3UXW task have higher priority.


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