[TYPO3-4-3] bug: jumping to list module when moving page...

Steffen Kamper ks at dislabs.de
Fri Feb 19 13:16:39 CET 2010


Martin Kutschker schrieb:
> Steffen Ritter schrieb:
>> Stig Nørgaard Færch schrieb:
>>> Does anyone know if this bug is already reported (couldn't find it)?:
>>> If you are in the Page module (etc), the List module will be displayed
>>> if you move/copy/create a page in the pagetree. The module menu still
>>> shows that your are in the Page module though. But if you click at a
>>> page, the list module is still loaded.
>>> /Stig
>> it seems to be an overall bug... for me it changes the modules very
>> often... selction in menu stays... same with page-id
> Yes. It used to work alright, but since 4.2 the whole menu/page tree stuff doesn't work properly any
> more.

it seems related to the kind of remembering the id. It's all in JS, but 
if you switch to a module don't using id, the information gets lost.

The whole JS of module generated by backend.php should be reworked!

vg Steffen

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