[TYPO3-4-3] Get rid of source+dummy, source and dummy package

Steffen Gebert steffen at steffen-gebert.de
Wed Feb 17 18:21:22 CET 2010

Am 17.02.2010, 17:13 Uhr, schrieb Patrick Gaumond  
<gaumondpatrick-n0-spam- at hotmail.com>:

> So renaming "dummy" as "Starter kit" is already less misleading. Making  
> sure that files and folders creations are just made with 1-2-3 seems the  
> next logical step.
One UXW Team (Patrick Broens and a few others) worked on an "Introduction  
Package", later renamed to "Starter Package" IIRC. (it contains just  
everything including a step 4 of the install tool which adds pages,  
templates and so on (like the old testsite)).

I think we all agree that this would be a much better naming.
May be we could get Patrick** or one of the other guys into this  
discussion (don't remember exactly, who was in the team) - they already  
taxed their brains, for sure.


> [*] There's way too much Steffen in this thread ;)
[**] This could also balance the Steffen-Patrick ratio a bit.. but only a  
bit :-P

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