[TYPO3-4-3] pageTS / userTS conditions

Steffen Kamper ks at dislabs.de
Wed Feb 10 12:17:49 CET 2010


Martin Kutschker schrieb:
> [gobalVar:X = 10]

gotcha. This is not only the case for these conditions, as all are done 
the same

[type = expression]

Your suggestion also confuses when using

[globalString:DB:pages|keywords = xyz]

I don't have a problem with "=", expression can vary
one value - compares with one value
comma list - compares with values in commalist
boolean expression - checks TRUE/FALSE of expression

maybe this would make it more clear:
[globalString = (DB:pages|keywords = xyz)]

but it's the same as with php, you can omit the ()

vg Steffen

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