[TYPO3-4-3] [TYPO3-core] RFC #13074: Feature: stdWrap for inclusion of CSS and JS files via pageRenderer

Tyler Kraft tyler.kraft at netefficiency.co.uk
Tue Feb 9 20:08:40 CET 2010

> "all params" simply means: Every default parameter of any default element
> will be sent through stdWrap if there is a key with a dot like: "param."
> AND "param." contains stdWrap function names.
> 10 = CONTENT
> 10 {
>     table = blah
>     table.override.field = blahblah
>     select {
>         where = colPos=0
>         max = 1
>         max.override = 0
>         max.override.if.isTrue.field = blah
>     }
>     slide = 1
>     slide.if.isFalse.data = blah
> }
> There might be some keys (like "select" in this example), that won't need
> any stdWrap functions at all, but most of the keys used in default TS
> elements will.

But at the moment I didn't think select.max (or begin, etc) had stdWrap 
ability, or are you saying that it would then get it under this new way? 
(Or do I have an incomplete version of TSref)

If so, if they did get stdWrap 'powers' that would be great as I often 
would like to make use of stdWrap in select! And as much as I'd like to 
see these various things have stdWrap (select.begin, select.max, etc) as 
you've rightly pointed out in the past on various lists this would then 
open up a security issue of being able to suddenly use 
select.max.data=GP:stuff wouldn't it?

Or am I wrong here? (I'm really just trying to understand all this, and 
consequences of changing these things, so I very well might be wrong)


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