[TYPO3-4-3] Revival of taskcenter & sys_actions

Georg Ringer mail at ringerge.org
Mon Feb 1 18:12:31 CET 2010

Hi everybody,

I am rewriting the sys extensions taskcenter & sys_actions because the
current ones are ugly, not usable and really old.

==== The goal ====
My intention is to create a way for editors to get their work done as
simple and fast as possible. One example is wordpress: After a login the
user can just click on "new article" and there is already the mask to
create one. The user just writes the text and clicks on save.

I would like to have that in TYPO3 as well. Maybe someone knows the
sys_actions and that this is already possible with it but usability is
not really great.

Hopefully everything makes it into 4.4.

==== Work which is already done ====
I began to rewrite the extensions some weeks ago and I am using the same
methods as in the sysext reports using the interfaces to extend the

== Features ==
* New GUI which is not yet done with the HCI-Team, so I don't expect it
to be final but having yet an accordion effect which remembers the state.

* Avoid the usage of iframes as much as possible

* Better usability: Admins can create sys_actions in the module and
don't need to go to the root page anymore. Flash messages to inform the
user what is going on or what is missing, ...

* CGL & using locallangs everywhere

* UserTsConfig can be used to hide tasks for users / usergroups.

* I also adopted the extension sys_notepad to be compatible with the new
taskcenter. This could be

* Additionally I needed to change the sysext impexp to work with the new
taskcenter too.

==== Screenshots ====
Yeah I know - screenshots are the most important thing (except demos) to
get a quick impression of the work I did.

Here we go:

* taskcenter

* sys_actions: Overview including the possibility to edit and create
tasks for admins. A specific task can either be chosen in the main menu
or in the overview.

* sys_actions: Type "Edit records"

* sys_actions: Type "List records (specified table & PID)"

* sys_actions: Type "Query"

* impexp: List of saved presets
* sys_notepad: Personal notes for an user

==== ToDos ====
* Get together with the HCI team and implement the new design and icons
* Finish work on sys_action
* Implement some missing features like sorting tasks
* Rewrite all other extensions (if they are worth it) which are based on
the taskcenter
* Write a manual
* What am I missing?

==== What do I need? ====
* Of course helping hands are always great
* Ideas & feature wishes
* Patches if the code is once at forge (not yet)

AND OF COURSE: Your feedback here and now! Do you like it, want it, want
to sponsor it? free beer at t3board. everything is welcome ;)


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