[TYPO3-project-4-3] New Multimedia CE and flowplayer

Fernando Arconada falcifer2001 at yahoo.es
Sun Sep 6 22:56:40 CEST 2009


Continuing my testing with the new multimedia CE, I wonder how to replace 
JW Flv player with flowplayer

The hook $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['tslib/hooks/
class.tx_cms_mediaitems.php']['customMediaRender'] it is only triggered 
when the render type isnt swf, qt or media. IMHO that hook (or other 
hook) should be triggered always to be able to modify every render 
without adding other rendertype. That new hook also could be useful to do 
some other nice things like params manipulation (ie. upload the file to a 
CDN and replace the the file url...)

kind regards

Fernando Arconada

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