[TYPO3-project-4-3] FYI: changed localisation handling

Rupert Germann rupi at gmx.li
Wed Oct 21 00:33:35 CEST 2009


as of today we have a changed handling of localisations when copying, 
moving or deleting records.

- copy/paste on a record in the default language copied only the record 
in the default language.
   copy/paste on a localized record produced an orphaned record having 
no translation parent and therefore not showing up in the localisation view
- cut/paste on a record in the default language moved only the record in 
the default language.
   cut/paste on a localized record produced an orphaned record having no 
translation parent and therefore not showing up in the localisation view
- deleting a a record with localisations deleted the translation parent 
and made the localisations disappear from the localisation view.

- copy/paste on a localized record is not possible anymore
- cut/copy/paste on a record in the default language moves the 
localisations along with this record
- cut/paste on a localisation record is not possible anymore
- Deleting a translation parent deletes also its localisations

when a user is limited to only a subset of the localisation languages of 
the record and the action would affect all records (delete, move), then 
the action is prevented and a message is displayed.


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