[TYPO3-project-4-3] CSS BE issues

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Tue May 26 10:41:05 CEST 2009

> i do agree with you about the necessity of naming conventions, but in 
> the end to have to start somewhere with our cleanup and I think, Steffen 
> went the right way when chosing the suggested names: Q: What do we need 
> to style? A: Modules with docheaders and those without? 
> mod-with-docheader and mod-no-docheader reflect that.
> Apart from that here some suggestions for general rules for classnames.
> 1) No capital letters. To improve readability, we use a dash (-).

+/-1 I like both though.

> 2) Classnames should be as short as possible, means, let us get rid of 
> meaningless prefixes like typo3- or let us at least shorten them to t3-...


> 3) Classnames should not reflect the markup. Currently we have stuff 
> like wrapperTable, wrapperTable1 and so on. What happens if the markup 
> changes and we get rid of those tables?

++1. Best would be with semantic naming. With semantic I mean that the 
css selectors reflect what's getting displayed (e.g. display type like 
"preview", "edit mask", "listing").
For colors there could be something like a colorscheme-manager for which 
a skin is defining a set of basic colors and the colorscheme-manager is 
then creating different shades of those colors and replaces them in the 
stylesheets (maybe by using markers, just like in templates).

> 4) Let us use the same classes for the same purpose throughout the whole 
> BE. If we want alternating colors the presumably we want the same colors 
> for every list. Currently we have sort of a mess here:
> - In module Web>List we use db_list_normal for odd rows and 
> db_list_alternate for even rows
> - In module File>Filelist we use bgColor6 for odd rows and bgColor4 for 
> even rows (same in Admin tools > User Admin, where you can only see 
> alternating colors if you really compare some things and the classes are 
> applied to td instead of tr)


kind regards,
Franz Koch

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