[TYPO3-project-4-3] JS-Files in BE

Benjamin Mack benni at typo3.org
Tue May 19 11:55:03 CEST 2009

Hey guys,

well, I'd say there is a difference. There should be one for the 
"backend.php" and one for all the modules (and maybe one for the 
navframes), that are all derived from a single "basetemplate" class with 
common features.

"template_base" (taking care of default stuff like XHTML header, JS 
inclusion options, CSS styles etc)
-> "template_backend" (modulemenu, toolbar items)
-> "template_module" (docheaders, sections)
-> "template_navframe"

I don't know if somebody is willing to take over the task for 4.3, is there?

Also: What happened to the split up of t3lib-div for 4.3?

All the best,

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