[TYPO3-project-4-3] TYPO3 Distribution Concept for 4.3

Franz Koch typo.removeformessage at fx-graefix.de
Fri May 15 14:58:17 CEST 2009

Hi Marcus,
>> [...]
>> This concept would also be much wiser if you think about security issues
>> etc. If a security leak is found in a bundled extension, simply update
>> the required version of the extension to the one of the security-fix and
>> you're done - no repacking etc.
>> [...]
> Good point - security. As you know, we regularly find security issues in
> widely spread extensions. If you feel you could manage re-bundling them
> in such cases, then I'm fine with it. Otherwise think about a better
> approach.

sorry - don't get your point here. Are you saying bundled extensions 
(that might be bundled by specific version to ensure compatibility with 
the distribution) should not get "updated" if a security leak was found 
and fixed? In the concept I described, you would only have to edit a 
configuration file/form and raise the minimum version number for the 
bundled extension (like in ext_emconf.php) - no need for repacking etc.

Providing up2date and secure distributions is for me a must have - 
otherwise drop this 'official' distribution idea completely.
kind regards,
Franz Koch

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