[TYPO3-project-4-3] Feature Example Extension

Jonas Dübi admin at commandline.ch
Tue Mar 17 21:36:14 CET 2009


Since I'm reading the whole changelog of every new version I see a lot 
of changes which would be relevant for extension developers. It's really 
hard to follow this changes, because you need to check the bug reports 
in addition to understand the changes.

Are there not so many extension developers which do not use the 'new 
way' because they didn't see how to get introduced to all the new 
developer features.

Wouldn't it be cool to have a 'feature show extension' which does 
contain core approved example code of how using the new features for 
extension developers?

Just a small extension with some hook implementing classes, a pi1, a 
service and a mod1 which show caching functionality, ExtJS and all other 
new features.

Would this be possible?

Best regards,

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