[TYPO3-project-4-3] Flash Uploader - Version 1

Benjamin Mack benni at typo3.org
Tue Mar 3 22:23:03 CET 2009

Hey team,

finally I have a version of the highly anticipated Flash Uploader, a 
combination of SWFupload and an extended ExtJS.

In case you want to try out that nifty feature, I attached to files for 
you to get some insight.

Step by Step:

* Apply the patch and extract the files in the zip file to 
* Reload the Backend
* Make sure you have the latest flash installed and activate a new 
option in the User Setup
* Go to the file module and hit the upload button, a window should be 
displayed :) Happy uploading (be sure to select multiple files in the 
"Select Files" dialog :)).
* Have a look at the consise code in file_list.php to see how the 
component can be added in to other places.

Some remarks:

* I wrote the whole system so that there is one Ext Window (thus, one 
Flash movie) that is persistent in the Backend main frame. This way, it 
*could* theoretically be called.
* It is suited with some good default options, and can be called from 
within every frame, with callbacks IN that frame back again (to 
manipulate things inside once all uploads are done, so you could update 
only a specific div after the upload), however, in this case the frame 
needs to be kept open for the callback!)
* For now I only added the feature to the upload button in the file 
list, have a look at the source code, the 30 lines are very simple and 
at the same time, there are a lot of options to modify the contents of 
the Ext Window. This means that everythin in this component is very 
* There are some issues with Flash in general: It cannot handle browser 
cookies. That's why it sends the cookies in form of $_GET params, so we 
can use this for authentication of the current session. However, this is 
not perfect, as the session is always bound to the user agent, which 
changes to "Flash" when using SWFupload. I added an exception here.
* One other issue in Flash 10 is that you need a button / an ID where 
the flash movie will be loaded in (a placeholder HTML element), and it 
needs to be clicked. That's why the selectFiles dialog cannot be opened 
right away but has to be activated with that button on the bottom of the 
* Currently in trunk, IE throws so many errors I couldn't test the 
uploader in IE.
* I've included the SWFupload v2.2 beta 5, will upgrade as soon as the 
final version will arrive

Open Issues / Next Steps:
* Security: Currently the Flash Uploader excludes some basic security 
checks (see the remark above), maybe the security team can tell if it is 
a risk or not
* Browser: IE Bugfixing & Testing
* Compatibility: Degrade to default upload if no flash is installed, 
even if option is selected
* Localization: In the 4.3 alpha phase, I want to add localization to 
the extJS component, right now it's just english (but I don't think this 
shouldn't be a problem for now)
* AJAX: Move the file upload actions out of tce-file.php and create an 
AJAX class for that (which basically does the same). We currently have 
some trouble with Umlaut filenames, which is connected to the Flash / 
UTF8-JS request in the page.
* More use-cases: Use it in different locations as well (planned for 
4.3), which would be in the clickmenu of the foldertree and the 
integration of "select"-type in the TCA, and then the DAM (will be 
separate of course)
* Documentation: Add a section to the doc_core_api to help people how 
they can integrate it in their application

This feature is sponsored by AOE Media! Thanks!

Once I had a look at the IE issues, did some more testing and have 
contacted the Security Team about reviewing the patch, I will send this 
patch to the core list.

All the best,
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