[TYPO3-project-4-3] 4.3.0 vs. 4.2.7

JoH asenau info at cybercraft.de
Fri Jun 12 16:00:25 CEST 2009

>>> By just thinking about it I think caching things in RAM should be
>>> faster than putting it into the database.
>> yes, that was also my first theory.
> Hi Rupi-with-one-p,
> Have a look at this, could be interesting:
> http://techblog.evo.pl/en/evo_nginx_boost-extension/
> Performance is bliss. :)

There is one sentence that might be a hint for the concept of the CF:
As the focus is on high performance, the data is _not_ serialized or
processed in any way.

Taking a look at the "content" that is generated by CF:
Simple Login Form => http://t3designkit.4any1.de/index.php?id=2
Even simpler "Hello World" => http://t3designkit.4any1.de/index.php?id=5

And another question:
Does it really make sense to use a constructor that has to "build" the
backend and frontend used by the CF on each request again and again?
Why can't we just use ready made files for each possible combination of
cache frontend and backend, which then will be triggered by a simple
matching combination in TYPO3_CONF_VARS instead of such a "framework"?
How many cases can you imagine, that will use a different setup for cache
frontend and backend on each request?
After all caching (framework or not) is about performance and not about
implementing fancy programming patterns.

Why does the CF use exec_SELECTgetRows for the "db backend", if there will
be just one entry per identifier anyway?
What about checking for MySQL COUNT being TRUE instead of fetching a whole
dataset and counting it's entries with PHP to check for the existence of an
What about _always_ using SQL functions _during_ the query instead of PHP
functions on arrays _afterwards_?

I didn't check the other "backend" variants but I guess they are designed in
similar patterns processing stuff in a similar way.

Just some thoughts


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Dieter Nuhr, German comedian
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