[TYPO3-project-4-3] BE Roles in TYPO3

Stig Nørgaard Færch snf at dkm.dk
Sat Jun 6 09:24:14 CEST 2009

>>> I have tried to combine the shorcut menu with the role menu. I think
>>> it's a nice concept.
>> I don't think that mixing up two completely different options in one
>> menu is a nice concept.
 > at least it would be one less button to know for the editor
 > Looking forward to use this role thing
 > Phil

Exactly. That was the thought of mixing the two concepts into one.
You could also thinking of it as another way of catagorizing your shorcuts.
Imagine if you had all of the below shortcuts in the normal shortcut 
menu - I think it would feel very cluttered.
In the role menu below, all your shortcuts are in an ordered way and the 
by clicking at one you both switch role and activate the shortcut.

Maybe it's a matter of taste? I still find it a nice concept :-)


#Role: Link catalogue
Create link
Create catagory
Approve links
List reported broken

#Role: News
Create news
List news
Create catagory
List catagories
Edit list view

#Role: Calendar
Create event
List events
Create catagory
List catagories
Create location
Create organizer

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