[TYPO3-project-4-3] BE Roles in TYPO3

Patrick Gaumond gaumondpatrick-s-p-a-m at hotmail-sp-a-m.com
Wed Jun 3 20:49:54 CEST 2009

Talking about BE...

I've raised the issue 2 years ago but maybe it's time again for a Core 
integration of such a feature:


 >This extension makes it possible to mark BE-groups as roles. Hereafter 
 >you can through a selectorbox in the topmenu select which role you 
wish >to take. This is especially helpful if you are a webmaster or a 
be-user >who has many different be-groups attached, because it helps 
keeping the >overview. As a positive sideeffect, you will only have 
access to things >which are allowed in the currently activated be-groups 
(or roles). So >if editing news, - you will not be able to create a 
calendar item.

(See screenshots on TER)

So, in a way, it acts like a "filter" then simplifying the interface for 
Editors. You can also imagine a "Default Expert/Show all" mode that 
would be like today' situation.

One of the thing is that then maybe this setting need to become 
mandatory (?):
[BE][explicitADmode] = explicitDeny

What is nice about ROLES is that it's using stuff already there: BE Groups.

Stig had a version 2 which was never publicly available. I just sent him 
an email...

Comments ?


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