[TYPO3-project-4-3] t3sec_saltedpw as sysext?

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Tue Apr 28 14:23:37 CEST 2009

Hi Xavier,

> Small question: (I did not read code from t3sec_saltedpw) is the salted 
> password compatible with the pending change of "forgot password" of 
> feuser? I mean is this still possible to use the hook?

Which change?

> Would t3sec_saltedpw use the hook itself? If so, I guess the hook should 
> be slightly changed to allow multiple extensions to hook into the 
> password change and still have a way to get the 
> unencrypted/unsalted/unhahsed password.

I think both needs to be tested after the functionality is committed. In 
any case these things could all be solved in some way, so they are not 
blockers IMHO.

- michael
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