[TYPO3-project-4-3] No TypoScript added by extentions

Francois Suter fsuter at cobweb.ch
Mon Apr 20 09:39:24 CEST 2009


I've started work on this topic. I'm taking all the steps by migrating a 
local 4.2 instal to 4.3.

So here's an answer to a first remark.

>> I know this change of path represents a compatibility break, but that's
>> why there's an update wizard.
> Hmmm. My BE does not prompt to update anything.

I do have a prompt in the expected place, i.e. the big yellow box in the 
Help > About modules. It's the usual message about the current install 
not being compatible with the current TYPO3 version and prompting me to 
use the Update wizard (which actually crashes because changes must be 
made to the database first :-( ).

The placement of such warnings in the Help > About modules can be 
debated and actually have (see the HCI list for a topic called "Where to 
place important warnings"), but no satisfactory solution was found yet.



Francois Suter
Cobweb Development Sarl - http://www.cobweb.ch

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