[TYPO3-project-4-3] t3editor and codecompletion

Stephan Petzl spetzl at gmx.at
Mon Oct 27 16:31:53 CET 2008

Oliver Hader schrieb:
> Hi Stephan,
> Stephan Petzl schrieb:
>> There is one issue we were thinking about while completing the tsref.
>> some parts of the typoscript language are structured so
>> strange/inconsistent that its not possible to show the user a perfect
>> list of possible parameters when hitting the ".".
> Can you point out what this strangeness is about? Maybe we can fix it
> TSref or "refactor" it there...
> olly

we worked through the tsref once again and figured out that actually 
there arent as much inconsistencies as we thought first.

but i can give at least one example:
the FORM type has a property dataArray.
>   dataArray {
>     10.label = Name:
>     10.type = name=input
>     10.value = [Enter name]
>     10.required = 1
>     20.label = Eyecolor
>     20.type = eyecolor=select 
>     20.valueArray {
>       10.label = Blue
>       10.value = 1
>       20.label = Red
>       20.value = 2
>       20.selected = 1
>     }

here the type of the field is specified by
type = <nameOfField> = <typeOfInputELement>

which is a special "syntax" we havent integrated into our codecompletion.

so we won't be able to suggest the property "valueArray" for elements of 
dataArray since we cannot determine the type of the formelement and 
"valueArray" is just a property of "select" and not of "input"

would be cool if the FORM spec would be like that:
dataArray.1 = FORMINPUT
dataArray.1.value = hello
dataArray.2 = FORMSELECT


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