[TYPO3-project-4-3] Special Configuration for CEs

Steffen kamper steffen at sk-typo3.de
Sat Jun 28 12:52:38 CEST 2008


what do you think about a special TS for a CE?

The idea is, that, if you configure Elements in TS only, you can apply a 
special configuration for the Element like
lib.SpecialElement = COA
lib.SpecialElement { ... }

Now, what's about a TS-Field in tt_content that allows additional 
configuration for this special element like wrap, general 
tt_content-Setting etc.
The syntax could be
this { ... }
for the element settings

Possible situations:
* special wraps
* append elements
* special settings, eg for news plugin
* different parsFunc

vg Steffen

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