[TYPO3-project-4-3] Global categorization

Ernesto Baschny [cron IT] ernst at cron-it.de
Fri Jul 4 09:46:01 CEST 2008

Dmitry Dulepov [typo3] wrote: on 03.07.2008 06:48:
> Hi!
> Ingo Renner wrote:
>> The thing is that to make it a common solution for all it needs to be 
>> provided by the core. It being an extension will not get everybody to 
>> use that extension as everybody thinks that he needs to come up with 
>> his own solution again.
> No one comes with his own news system but it is still an extension ;)
>> I don't think that the mentioned category system will be as complex as 
>> workspaces at all.
> That's true. The only thing about categories that bothers me actually is 
> unused fields in the database. If we can set them to NULL, this (at 
> least) would minimize the impact. The larger database, th worse is 
> performance.

I don't think there will be new fields if one doesn't want to. I must 
confess I haven't looked at Mats tx_category extension. But I expect 
that feature to be a sysext (comes with core, not installed by default) 
that provides, like Ingo already said:

- A new fields "type" that extensions can add to their own tables 
('category'), which would render the category tree, just like tt_news 
already does in form of an userFunc

- If installed, a new field in tt_content and pages that already is 
configured like that (note, field won't be there if extensions is not 

- an API for extension developers to use this category-tree, i.e. 
"getRecordsFromCategory($table)" etc.

- an UI to add the category tree to the page-browser (maybe) at least in 
the List-view (through a hook, of course).

So that would give us the "tools" but it will still be optional. Having 
that as a sysext in core makes it the "standard way" of handling 
categories in TYPO3, so we don't need everyone implementing their own 


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