[TYPO3-jobs] Backend Plugin Petiton Email

Thomas Hirt info at thomas-hirt.at
Mon Sep 27 15:47:42 CEST 2010

I am writing in (bad) english so that more people can maybe understand what we need.
I am looking for someone who could do the following backend plugin:

Petiton Email:
It's kind a possibility to send a petiton after a defined amount tt_address records are available

I would like to know (as soon as possible) what you would charge for it, and how long it would take to finish it.

The plugin reads tt_address records and sends emails.
The yet not-sent emails are sent, if the editors pushes the button "Send xy Emails now!"
OR after a certain amount of not-sent tt_address records are accumulated in the DB (with a corncob).
The emails are plain text with the possibility of inserting markers which define tt_address fields (ex: 
###first_name###). It can use existing markers of tt_address or recognise new fields,
so I could extend tt_address with new fields and une them in the emails.
After the plugin has sent the emails, the editor gets an email with kind of a report (How many sent, any errors, time,...)
The plugin extends tt_address with (at least) one field: (checkbox) petition_was_sent (or how ever you name it).
There could be an additionional field in the tt_address records an the editor could select to use this field as receiver.

example Pagestructure

[Page] Take part of the Petition
	[Sysfolder] Petition Addresses (inside of this folder is the new plugin)

In the Sysfolder Petition Addresses the tt_address records are stored
The new plugin will be saved in this sysfolder as well.

OPTIONS of the plugin "petition email":
	Startingpoint (if not set, PID)
	Email receivers: commaseparadet list of email adresses
	(OR) Select email receivers from DB Field (tt_address): as mentioned above
	Additional Email receivers (Bcc): commaseparadet list of email adresses
	Title for Email: Plain text
	Text for Email with markers (tt_address fields): Plain text
		ex: ###first_name###
	Send Emails (with corncob) after moor then xy entries: integer
		After sending --> Notification Email
	Notification Email Address after sending: commaseparadet list of email adresses
	Send xy Emails now! [Button] integer + button
		After sending --> Notification Email

So please feel free to ask me some questions or to contact me under info at thomas-hirt.at.
Would be glad to fin someone here...


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