[TYPO3-jobs] Sponsorship available for two plugins (footnotes, content pagination)

Paul Vetch paul.vetch at kcl.ac.uk
Mon Nov 8 08:29:20 CET 2010

?Hi all,

We're thinking about commissioning two new TYPO3 plugins:

 - Footnote functionality: TYPO3 doesn't have an equivalent to the 
(plugin-derived) footnote capabilities of WordPress or Drupal and for 
certain types of sites, this would be very useful.

 - Paginated tt_content (i.e. many tt_content objects split across more than 
one pages)  - it's clear form the newsgroups and Google that lots of people 
have wanted this in the past, and there are several legacy plugins that try 
(ext:contentpaginator, ext:cc_cbrowse) but nothing ideal, and nothing that 
works out of the box with templavoila.  We'd like to sponsor the 'one plugin 
to rule them all', to provide flexible pagination for long pages and better 
tables of contents, which could be useful for documentation sites or any 
website with lots of content, without *compulsory* reliance on JavaScript 
(but maybe having something on the client side there optionally)

Both extensions would have to be new I think, but we would be committed to 
releasing them back to the community.

Would anyone be interested in taking these on?  And could you do so straight 
away?  Please reply to me offlist, ASAP, if so.

Best wishes


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