[TYPO3-install] Re: PHP OpenSSL extension is not working & cannot login into BE after installing TYPO3

Cryo Nyx cryotes at gmail.com
Wed Aug 19 16:40:17 CEST 2015

Maybe you are using the wrong username and/or password...

just kidding ;)

Don't know if this could help:

1. Go into the install-tool ("/typo3/sysext/install/Start/Install.php" or "/typo3/install").
2. If it's locked, create a file named "ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL" in your typo3conf-folder
3. Now typ in your install-password (in case you don't know it: www.typo3forum.net/forum/typo3-installation-updates/51993-install-tool-password-eingabe-funzt.html)
4. Chose the "All configuration" on the left side.
5. Now chose "Backend" in the middle.
6. Search for "[BE][loginSecurityLevel] = rsa" and change the value to "normal"
7. Press "write configuration"-button

Maybe you must repeat 6. and 7. (don't know why it's necessary) and finaly you can login into the backend. ^^

Good Luck

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