[TYPO3-install] upgrade Typo3 4.5 LTS to 6.2 LTS

Mohsin Abbas mohsin.abbas at coeus-solutions.de
Thu May 8 16:08:46 CEST 2014


I have an old website which was made on Typo3 4.4, I followed the upgrading instructions and shift my site on 4.5 LTS, after this update my site is working fine all the extension and core are fine. Now I have updated my system on 6.2 LTS I have faced a lot of issues about  t3lib but I have use "smoothmigration" to resolve these kind of issues. After that system works and showing me missing file error in "typo3/sysext/tslib" I have resolved these issue as well. 

Now the major issue I have! all the things are working fine except core functions like "Create new content element", "hide element" "save or save and close"

Please give me any hint, how can I fix these issue so that my migration to latest version works completely.

Best regards,

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