[TYPO3-install] Typo3 Government Package won't connect to MySQL

Mike Kirgan michaelk at fiu.edu
Thu Mar 7 19:06:40 CET 2013


I could use some advice on what to check for this installation problem:

I just installed Typo 3 version 6, to evaluate to see if it is something I want to switch over to from our home-grown CMS. After brining up the installer, it can't get past the first step: it says it can connect to the DB, so the install does not continue.

I was able to connect to mysql manually and create initial databases and users. I was able to connect to mysql and the databases with phpMyAdmin. But using the same credentials on the installer does nothing. I checked the MySQL logs and you can see login attempts and failures when I connect via phpMyAdmin, but you see no entries at all, when I try to have the installer connect.

I installed this on my laptop for my evaluation, before I install it on any of my servers. I am running:

Linux Mint 14
PHP 5.4.12
Apache 2.4.3
DB clent version: libmysql - mysqlnd 5.0.10
MySQL version: 5.5.29
I configured PHP by manually compiling it with:

 ./configure' '--with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs' '--with-mysql' '--with-openssl' '--with-zlib' '--enable-soap' '--enable-hash' '--with-pcre-regex' '--with-curl' '--with-gd' '--with-mysqli'

I saw previous posts online that people had this same issue with previous version of Typo3. The two main causes I saw were: a permissions problem or a problem with not allowing persistent MySQL connections. However, I am allowing persistent connections and I tested the permissions theory by changing all the typo3 files to 777. Still can't connect from the installer.

Any ideas on what I did wrong or what I should check?



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