[TYPO3-install] Newbie Installation Help Please.

Pavan Keshavamurthy pavan.k.murthy at gmail.com
Sat Jun 16 07:41:15 CEST 2007

Hi.. I just downloaded typo 3 after trying it out on opensourcecms.com ..
and I'm requesting some installation help now.

Here's what I've done...

1. I FTPed and extracted the Typo3_src-4.1.1 tar into
2. I FTPed and extracted the dummy-4.1.1 tar into mydomain.com/dummy-4.1.1
3. I renamed the above dummy folder as 'Test'
4. I made the 4 directories in the 'Test' dummy folder writeable by CHMODing
them to 0777 manually
5. I ran 'ln-s /mydomain.com/typo3_src-4.1.1 /mydomain.com/test/typo3_src'
off my crontab because I don't have SSH/Telnet access.. Shared server !
6. I tried to access http://mydomain.com/test/ but it seems to hit a blank
page ..

What have I done wrong ? Help is appreciated. Thanks in advance..

Pavan Keshavamurthy

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