[Typo3-install] upgrade to 4.0 question

Ries van Twisk typo3 at rvt.dds.nl
Thu Apr 27 23:50:25 CEST 2006

install the skin extension under extensions.


>I have a (hopefully) simple question.
>I have upgraded a site from 3.8.1 to 4.0 but the admin pages did not 
>change to the new "look". Functionality seem to be changed and the site 
>itself claims to be "4.0". Where did I made a mistake? Where should I 
>have a look, which configfile?
>Thanks in advance,

Ries van Twisk
Freelance Typo3 Developer
=== Private:
email: ries at vantwisk.nl
web:   http://www.rvantwisk.nl/freelance-typo3.html
skype: callto://r.vantwisk
=== Work:
email: ries at livetravelguides.com
web:   http://www.livetravelguides.com

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