[TYPO3-GSoC] Re: Status Update: BuilderFoundation & TemplateBuilder

Jacob Floyd cognifloyd at gmail.com
Mon Jul 15 17:09:15 CEST 2013

Update: 15 July 2013
(I've been slacking on the updates because there hasn't been much to report... sorry. Just a lot of design work.)

☠ Holy Crap there are a lot of unknowns in my design. :P I go to code something and then I realize, "oh I don't know how that should work" so I have to go back to the drawing board and figure out how to do something and then I go to code that and realize, "oh I don't know how this other thing should work" ... repeat ad-infinitum.
✔ I'm creating a UML diagram to help define the API I want.
✔ Figured out how to use FlowQuery - I'm going to wrap it in a BlobQuery
➜ Post the part of my UML diagram that shows the BlobQuery stuff. (very cool stuff in a very geeky way)
➜ Continue working out the process of how to work with blobs in a derivative (FlowQuery is a *huge* part of that).

ⓘ Changesets that this project depends on, and need to be reviewed:
- https://review.typo3.org/#/q/topic:package-by-type,n,z
ⓘ Current plans and notes available (newest first):
- https://github.com/cognifloyd/Cognifire.BuilderFoundation/wiki/Epic-discovery (pictures of the stories on my whiteboard)
- More notes on my whiteboard and in my notebook...
- http://bit.ly/CBP-Chart-Scope (Charts and what is in-scope for this GSoC here)
- http://bit.ly/CBP-Basics
- http://bit.ly/Design-T3BP
- http://bit.ly/FluidBPProposal
ⓘ I will be working in my namespace, Cognifire, until everything is ready to be pushed to git.typo3.org
ⓘ Follow my GSoC work on github (working in the proof-of-concept branch for now)
- https://github.com/cognifloyd/Cognifire.BuilderFoundation
- https://github.com/cognifloyd/Cognifire.TemplateBuilder
- https://github.com/cognifloyd/Cognifire.EmptyBoilerplate
ⓘ I'm using the name BuilderFoundation


✔ done
➜ next steps
☠ impediment
ⓘ background info
♫ celebrated

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