[TYPO3-GSoC] Suggestion: TYPO3 modularize the BE-Configuration

Elmar Hinz t3elmar at googlemail.com
Wed Apr 24 14:49:27 CEST 2013

it may be a little late, but I want to suggest a topic for GSoC. It's about usablility, deployment, configuration.

TYPO3 is generally known as complex. 

If you install a standard TYPO3, you get a Backend showing a maximum an options. The day-to-day user
only needs a fraction of that. The rest is in the way and makes working less user friendly. It's up to the
developer to remove the overhead out of the backend.

In practice removing overhead of features is nothing customers like to pay for, but they suffer from the overhead.
That is bad for the reputation of TYPO3. It is known as being to complex.

On the other hand customers are willing to pay for new features. Instead of down-configuration one could ship 
TYPO3 with a minimal set of features and enable more features step by step. 

This "steps" could be organized in form of modules/packages/topics/bundles or whatever name suits best.
You would start with the minimal configuration and enable those bundles of configuration the customer
really needs. 

Having those bundles one could combine them to sets of bundles, to match the typical need i.e. of a 
news editor or of a chief editor.

Needless to say that it should be possible to finetune the settings by traditional configuration.

So there is are some challanges in this:

* How to structure bundles and sets of bundles? => research
* How to implement them technically? => architcture
* Coding  => programming
* Describing target groups and their needs => usability
* Creating bundles matching the target groups => usability
* How to coordinate them with the version management of TYPO3? => maintenance, deployment



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