[TYPO3-GSoC] Community Extensions

Sean Clark sc1245 at messiah.edu
Fri Mar 27 02:23:28 CET 2009

Hey everybody, I'm interested in working on TYPO3's community extension
project. However, after reading the ideas page
(http://typo3.org/development/gsoc2009/ideas/modular-community-system/) and
its information and code on Forge
(http://forge.typo3.org/projects/show/extension-community), I had a
difficult time pinpointing exactly what it was that a GSoC student could
help with. There seems to be a lot done already; would the student's job be
to implement the issues on Forge as they arise, or assist in development, or
be creating entirely new pieces from scratch (and what pieces)?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, as I'm anxious to begin planning
a strategy to help.

Sean Clark

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